"My bed is a magical place where I suddenly remember everything I was supposed to do" Anonymous
At times, everyone of us has experienced insomnia. Too often these days, we settle into bed with our smartphones, tablets and laptops. Poor sleep is near epic proportions because people are oblivious to before sleep behaviors. Not only can our electronics undermine sleep, but it is also about our before sleep behavior. There is an estimated 60 million people who struggle with insomnia.
Listed below are some suggestions for improving your sleep:
. Seek help for conditions that require medical attention or professional counseling such as alcohol and chemical dependency, depression, snoring and sleep apnea.
. Limit your screen usage.
. Learn tools and strategies to help your body adapt to stress, such as hypnosis, guided imagery, and breath work.
. Limit or eliminate the use of stimulants by stopping caffeine and cigarette consumption by noon. Caffeine can remain in your system for up to 8 hours. If you feel a little lull in the afternoon, take a break and get 20-30 minutes of sun
. Eliminate naps, even a five minute nap can sabotage your sleep.
. Come up with a bedtime routine. Not only is it good to have a routine for children but it is helpful for adults too. Having a regular schedule can give our body physiological responses which cues our body to feel sleepier. Plan five to six nighttime rituals prior to going to sleep, the last one being turning off the lights and ceasing all of your activities.